独立行政法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 A STUDY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN EXPANSION DEVICE FOR COLD REGIONS - Test installation of an expansion device on a National Route 274 interchange viaduct -

作成年度 2009年度
論文名 A STUDY ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN EXPANSION DEVICE FOR COLD REGIONS - Test installation of an expansion device on a National Route 274 interchange viaduct -
論文名(和訳) 寒冷地仕様伸縮装置の開発について
発表会 The 7th Japan-Korea Joint Seminar on Bridge Maintenance
誌名(No./号数) Proceedings of the 7th Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Bridge Maintenance
発表年月日 2009/11/05 ~ 2009/11/07
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
寒地構造チーム表 真也(OMOTE Shinya)
寒地構造チーム三田村 浩(MITAMURA Hiroshi)
寒地構造チーム西 弘明(NISHI Hiroaki)
Bridge expansion devices in Hokkaido face severe conditions (including frost/salt damage and impact from snow-removal activities)、 meaning that they deteriorate and sustain damage faster than other bridge members. As the replacement of damaged expansion devices has increased dramatically in recent years、 a model with high fatigue durability and load capacity was developed to reduce future life cycle costs.[*]The expansion device designed for cold regions was installed on a bridge administered by the Sapporo Road Office to examine its workability、 load-carrying capacity、 waterproof performance and anticorrosive function、 as well as to enable on-site verification through data accumulation、 including information on the impact of snow-removal activities and stress propagation characteristics under conditions with running vehicles.
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