国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 Seeking geological tracers for fingerprint of suspended sediment sources using gamma ray sprectrometry

作成年度 2010年度
論文名 Seeking geological tracers for fingerprint of suspended sediment sources using gamma ray sprectrometry
論文名(和訳) ガンマー線スペクトロメトリーを用いた浮遊土砂生産源の地質トレーサの探索
発表会 2010 Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting (2010 西太平洋地球物理学会議)
発表年月日 2010/06/22 ~ 2010/06/25
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
水環境保全チーム水垣 滋(MIZUGAKI Shigeru)
寒地河川チーム村上 泰啓(MURAKAMI Yasuhiro)
水環境保全チーム鳥谷部 寿人(TOYABE Toshihito)
国土交通省河川局桑原 誠(KUWAHARA Makoto)
To seek the geological tracers of environmental radionuclide for fingerprinting suspended sediment sources、 the surface (c. top 5 cm) soil samples were collected from stream bank in 13 subcatchments、 where the geology was categorized by era (4 types) and period (8 types) in the Mukawa River and Sarugawa River watersheds in Hokkaido、 northern Japan. Gamma ray spectrometry was conducted to determine the activities of environmental radionuclides associated with each soil samples using HP Ge well-type detector. Gamma ray spectrometry could determine 15 environmental radionuclides、 including U-series、 Th-series、 cesium-137 and potassium-40. Lead-210 excess was also determined by subtracting the activities of Pb-214 from that of Pb-210. The Kruskal-Wallis H test was conducted to assess the ability of each tracer property to discriminate between surface soil samples from the categories divided by subcatchment、 geological era and period、 suggesting that more than 11 tracer properties were available. Subsequently、 the stepwise discriminant function analysis was conducted to identify which combination of tracer properties provides the best composite fingerprint for differentiating source materials on the basis of subcatchment and geology (era and period) source groups. This analysis suggested that the composite fingerprints of more than 4 tracer properties can classify the source groups correctly with 75% to 95%. Principal component analysis showed that Pb-212、 organic matter content and K-40 were important tracer properties to discriminate source groups in this study area. These results indicate that the environmental radionuclides determined by gamma ray spectrometry can be used as fingerprint to estimate the contribution of geological source groups.
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