国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 Effect of Wintering Habitats of Masu Salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) Created by Using Riverbed Boulders

作成年度 2010年度
論文名 Effect of Wintering Habitats of Masu Salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) Created by Using Riverbed Boulders
論文名(和訳) 巨礫を使用し創出されたサクラマスの越冬場の効果
発表会 20th IAHR International Symposium on ice 2010
誌名(No./号数) Proceedings of The 20th IAHR International Symposium on ice 2010
発表年月日 2010/06/14 ~ 2010/06/18
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
水環境保全チーム森田 茂雄(MORITA Shigeo)
国土交通省河川局桑原 誠(KUWAHARA Makoto)
北海道開発局札幌河川事務所山下 彰司(YAMASHITA Shoji)
The purpose of this study is to understanding the characteristics of wintering habitats according to differences in river topography. In addition、 large riverbed stone were used to create wintering habitats.[*][*]The major findings of this study are as follows. [*]1.The characteristics of wintering habitats by the difference of river topography were shown、 in particular、 the existence of boulders in the river channel was verified to be important for the wintering environment of masu salmon.[*]2.The use large sized riverbed materials in the river channel created wintering habitats where ice and snow easily accumulate、 forming cover around these places、 and providing suitable wintering environments for masu salmon for long periods of time. Additionally、 a lot of created wintering habitat maintained the normal state after a flood occurred.
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