国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 New Judgment Method for Long-term Stability of Rock as Subgrade in Cold、 Snowy REgion

作成年度 2010年度
論文名 New Judgment Method for Long-term Stability of Rock as Subgrade in Cold、 Snowy REgion
論文名(和訳) 積雪寒冷地における岩盤路床の長期安定性についての新しい評価法
発表会 11th international Association of Engineering Geology Congress 2010 (IAEG)
誌名(No./号数) 第11回 国際応用地質学会 2010年総会
発表年月日 2010/09/05 ~ 2010/09/10
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
防災地質チーム伊東 佳彦(ITO Yosihiko)
防災地質チーム阿南 修司(ANAN Syuuji)
防災地質チーム日下部 祐基(KUSAKABE Yuuki)
北海道開発局坂本多朗(SAKAMOTO Taro)
Rock-mass deterioration after repeated freezing and thawing was examined to establish a method of determining the long-term stability of rock masses as subgrade in cold、 snowy regions. The target rocks were sedimentary、 volcanic and pyroclastic rocks from different areas of Hokkaido、 north Japan. Freezing and thawing test was conducted repeatedly on these rocks、 and their engineering properties and frost heave conditions were subsequently measured and compared with field monitoring result. As a result、 the following new evaluation criteria were set by comparing the deterioration conditions of the specimens with those of actual rock-mass subgrade exposed to freezing and thawing action: 1. saturated density: 2.2 t/m3 or higher; 2. water absorption: 6.0% or lower; 3. P-wave velocity: 3.0 km/s or higher; and 4. unconfined compressive strength: 15 MN/m2 or higher. Rocks that satisfy all these criteria are considered to have long-term stability as rock-mass subgrade in cold、 snowy regions.
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