We made the experiments on interaction between sea ice floes and ice booms、 which were especially focused on the effect of the roughness under ice floe on the ice loads acting on the ice booms. While the ice load on ice boom in case of the ice floes with undulation was proportional to the square of current velocity as well as in case of the flat ice floes、 the ice load by the ice floes with undulation nonlinearly increased with ice cover length unlike the case of the flat ice floes. We estimated the drag coefficient of the each ice condition in this experiments from the theoretical model [Kioka et al.、2009] and related the coefficients with statistical values of the ice conditions. We also roughly estimated the drag coefficient of actual sea ice with undulation (deformed ice) in the Okhotsk Sea by using these results、 and got the drag coefficient of Cs=0.03-0.04. |