国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 北海道河川内におけるヤナギ種子の流下量と時期的な変化

作成年度 2011年度
論文名 北海道河川内におけるヤナギ種子の流下量と時期的な変化
発表会 河川技術に関するシンポジウム
誌名(No./号数) 河川技術論文集
発表年月日 2011/07/23
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
水環境保全チーム林田 寿文(HAYASHIDA Kazuhumi)
㈱エコニクス小山 康吉(KOYAMA Yasukichi)
水環境保全チーム横山 洋(YOKOYAMA Hiroshi)
寒地河川チーム佐藤 圭(SATO Kei)
To monitor the quantity and period changes in willow seed of river、 we investigated the flowing willow seed in water. The survey sites were the Toyohira river、 Tyubetsu river、 Teshio river and Tokachi river. The survey was conducted three points on every river between snowmelt flood season that occur in willow seeds dispersal and ordinary water-level season. Plankton net was used to catch the willow seeds.[*] In early June、 it was just starting to catch seeds on trap at every river. The volume peak of flowing willow seeds were; Toyohira river was in early June、 Tyubetsu river was not、 Teshio river was in early June and early July and Tokachi river was in early July. There are little seeds collected at the Tyubetsu river.[*] The results also show that the quantity vary in all sorts of seeds according to the season. These results can be basic information for willow management in the river channel.
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