国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



論文投稿 Comparison of the swimming ability and upstream-migration behavior between chum salmon and masu salmon

作成年度 2013年度
論文名 Comparison of the swimming ability and upstream-migration behavior between chum salmon and masu salmon
論文名(和訳) シロザケとサクラマスにおける遊泳能力と遡上行動の比較
発表会 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
誌名(No./号数) Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
発表年月日 2013/10/29
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
網走水産試験場三好 晃治(MIYOSHI Koji)
水環境保全チーム林田 寿文(HAYASHIDA Kazuhumi)
北海道栽培漁業振興公社坂下 拓(SAKASHIDA Taku)
北海道栽培漁業振興公社藤井 真(FUJII Makoto)
北海道栽培漁業振興公社新居 久也(NII Hisaya)
北海道栽培漁業振興公社中尾 勝哉(NAKAO Katsuya)
The spawning ground of chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) is usually located farther downriver than that of masu salmon (O. masou) in Hokkaido、 Japan. To compare the swimming abilities of these two species、 the relationship between swimming speed and oxygen consumption was compared using a swim tunnel in the laboratory. Then、 the upstream-migration behaviors of chum and masu salmon were compared using electromyogram (EMG) telemetry at fish passages in the Toyohira River、 Hokkaido. In the laboratory study、 the standard metabolic rate of masu salmon was lower and the critical swimming speed (Ucrit) was faster than those of chum salmon. In the field study、 the holding time needed to recover the swimming performance exceeding Ucrit at the fish passages、 and the trial number needed to pass the fish passages were significantly lower for masu salmon than chum salmon. These results revealed that masu salmon are more adaptable to extended swimming in high-water-velocity conditions than chum salmon and that masu salmon are better equipped for a long distance upstream to their spawning ground than chum salmon.
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