国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 ダム建設および魚道設置が生息魚類に与える長期的影響の評価

作成年度 2015年度
論文名 ダム建設および魚道設置が生息魚類に与える長期的影響の評価
誌名(No./号数) 河川技術論文集
発表年月日 2015/06/10 ~ 2015/06/11
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
水環境保全チーム林田 寿文(HAYASHIDA Kazufumi)
水環境保全チーム渡邉 和好(WATANABE Kazuyoshi)
北海道開発局水野 宏行(Mizuno Hiroyuki)
北海道開発局林 誠(Hayashi Makoto)
北海道開発局宮崎 俊行(Miyazaki Toshiyuki)
株式会社ハブ毛木 博彰(Mogi Hiroaki)
北海道栽培漁業振興公社新居 久也(Nii Hisaya)
北海道栽培漁業振興公社真山 紘(Mayama Hiroshi)
Although fish habitat investigations were conducted before Pirika Dam was completed (1977-1982), under dam construction (1983-1989), after Pirika Dam was completed (1990-2004), and after fishway was completed (2005-2014), the impact of the dam project on fish has not been comprehensively evaluated post-under-after dam and fishway construction. Therefore, the results of previous investigations for 38 years on masu salmon population, spawning bed distribution, population density of juveniles and number of fish migrating upstream were evaluated. It was found that masu salmon have been stably inhabiting reaches downstream of the dam for a long period. Although fish fauna, spawning bed distribution and juvenile population density upstream of the dam were found to be reduced after dam construction, all these were restored after fishway installation. Every year (after 2007), about 40 to 150 adult masu salmon migrate upstream past the dam to spawn. The fishway at Pirika Dam was found to be able to reverse the divided connectivity that was created by the dam.
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