国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 Field Tests of RC Deck Slabs Deterioration Assessment System by Digital Images

作成年度 2003年度
論文名 Field Tests of RC Deck Slabs Deterioration Assessment System by Digital Images
論文名(和訳) デジタル画像を用いた鉄筋コンクリート床版の劣化判定現場試験
発表会 天然資源の開発利用に関する日米会議(UJNR) 第19回橋梁ワークショップ
発表年月日 2003/10/27 ~ 2003/10/30
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
構造研究室岡田 慎哉(OKADA Shinya)
構造研究室池田 憲二(IKEDA Kenji)
構造研究室渡邊 一悟(WATANABE Kazunori)
ニコンシステム小出 博(KOIDE Hiroshi)
ドーコン上北 正一(UEKITA Masakazu)
Currently、 there is a strong call for development of a bridge management and maintenance system that extends the service life of bridges in a rational and effective manner. In this study、 we focused on deterioration of concrete slab of steel bridges due to cracking、 the damage to which is exacerbated by increases in heavy vehicle traffic and by the application of anti-freezing agent. For this study、 we developed the "RC Deck Slab Deterioration Assessment System" (hereinafter the System)、 which fully utilizes digital image processing technology. Our five development objectives were; 1) elimination of scaffolding used for inspection and its associated cost; 2) reduction of time expended for field inspection; 3) quantification of and normalization of deterioration assessment results; 4) improvement of tractability of changes resulting from the passage of time since the completion of the bridge、 and 5) use of digital information.This paper reports on the System’s applicability to bridges in service and its cost effectiveness.
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