国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



論文投稿 Experimental study on the mixed girder bridge junction

作成年度 2003年度
論文名 Experimental study on the mixed girder bridge junction
論文名(和訳) 混合橋接合部の縮小模型供試体による実験的研究
発表会 第5回複合構造の活用に関するシンポジウム
発表年月日 2003/11/06 ~ 2003/11/07
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
ドーコン田中 雄太(未記入)
構造研究室皆川 昌樹(MINAKAWA Masaki)
札幌市建設局小泉 健治(未記入)
北海道大学上田 多門(UEDA Tamon)
Kitago viaduct is the bridge of the steel-concrete mixed structure that it is planned in Sapporo. The characteristic is the frictional power between the steel-concrete is expected the transmission of the shear and a deviation stop such as studs and PBL isn’t installed in the surface of the junction and the steel shell cell.Though it can work for the improvement in the simplification of the junction structure and the execution、 there are few studies on the frictional force in the junction、 so we conducted FEM analysis and experiments to verify the validity of this structure.It is reported about the fatigue and destruction experiment by the reduction specimen of the actual bridge junction.
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