国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 大規模氷塊による海底掘削現象”Ice Scour Event”の模型実験

作成年度 2003年度
論文名 大規模氷塊による海底掘削現象”Ice Scour Event”の模型実験
論文名(和訳) Experimental Study on "Ice Scour Event" Due to Drift of a Large Mass of Sea Ice
発表会 第17回海洋工学シンポジウム
発表年月日 2003/07/17 ~ 2003/07/18
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
港湾研究室木岡 信治(KIOKA Shinji)
港湾研究室窪内 篤(KUBOUCHI Atsushi)
北海道大学大学院佐伯 浩(SAEKI Hiroshi)
This study is intended to perform a field test of the medium-scale order and small-scale order in the laboratory concerning ice scour event、 thereby introducing main factors for Scour-process、 and/or obtaining many results needed for future work. Especially、 These results indicated that the our mechanical model 、which we have developed、 could be applied to scour events not only on a small scale but also on a medium scale. It is possible that our mechanical model could also be applied to full-scale events. Considering both-scale test results、 it was indirectly shown that the horizontal bulldozing force follows the similarity law of Froude and that a scour curve follows the geometric similarity.
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