国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 Bank Erosion of Restored Meandering Channel at The Shibetsu River

作成年度 2004年度
論文名 Bank Erosion of Restored Meandering Channel at The Shibetsu River
論文名(和訳) 標津川における再生された蛇行河川の河岸浸食
発表会 The 6th International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering
発表年月日 2004/05/30 ~ 2004/06/03
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
河川研究室鈴木 優一(SUZUKI Yuichi)
河川研究室渡邊 康玄(WATANABE Yasuharu)
The original appearance of the Shibetsu River、 Hokkaido、 included numerous repeated meanders、 with the lower reaches flowing through a broad、 undeveloped helocrene. After 1953、 full-scale cutoff works were completed to straighten the meandering river channel and lower the levels of groundwater and the river、 to increase land use in the river basin and improve flood safety. As a result、 flood safety improved and the helocrene vanished as the groundwater level fell、 and the river basin was developed into farmland. Over time、 however、 local demands to recreate the river’s natural ecosystem increased. Since 2000、 an effort has been made to restore the meandering river channel through "nature restoration-type river development".Before beginning full-scale meander restoration、 a test flow using part of the former river channel (an oxbow lake) was created to understand and solve technical problems caused by meander restoration、 by restoring the former river channel while retaining the present straightened channel. On March 18、 2002、 water flow was released into the former meandering river channel. In this paper、 we report on a study we conducted concerning changes in the straight channel and the former river channel to which it was connected、 after commencement of the water flow.
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