独立行政法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



論文投稿 2003年台風10号による沙流川洪水の橋梁被害と流木の挙動

作成年度 2004年度
論文名 2003年台風10号による沙流川洪水の橋梁被害と流木の挙動
発表会 自然災害科学
誌名(No./号数) 自然災害科学Vol. 23、 No. 1
発表年月日 2004/07/20
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
河川研究室渡邊 康玄(WATANABE Yasuharu)
河川研究室鈴木 優一(SUZUKI Yuichi)
河川研究室小川 長宏(OGAWA Takehiro)
A huge flood attacked the Saru River basin、 which locates at Hokkaido in Japan、 in August of 2003. The flood generated large amounts of driftwood and many bridges were damaged by the flow and the drift woods.Based on an onsite survey conducted immediately after the flood、 we examined the driftwood in the Saru River. We studied the distribution of locations where driftwood beached in the river channel、 the volume of such driftwood、 the distribution of driftwood origin in the river channel、 reasons for driftwood originating there. The influence of driftwood to the rivers structures (bridge piers etc) is also investigated. It became clear that the driftwood generated from the river channel and the mountain area occupied 20% and 40% of all driftwood、 respectively as a result of investigation.
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