国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 砂州のモード減少過程水理実験への安定解析の適用

作成年度 2004年度
論文名 砂州のモード減少過程水理実験への安定解析の適用
発表会 土木学会水工学委員会
誌名(No./号数) 水工学論文集
発表年月日 2005/02/07
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
河川研究室渡邊 康玄(WATANABE Yasuharu)
河川研究室桑村 貴志(KUWAMURA Takashi)
Weakly nonlinear analysis was adapted to the hydraulic experiments in order to clarify the mechanisms of mode reduction process of sand bars. Hydraulic conditions of this analysis were set large width-depth ratio. The following facts became clear by this research. Initial bar growth rate must be calculated precisely when the mode reduction process is considered. The bar wavelength which passes through the mode reduction process of bar formation can be calculate by the linear stability analysis. The weakly nonlinear analysis can predict the mode reduction process of bars when the perturbation parameter is less than 1. This analysis shows good agreement on the contribution of each bar mode element to the bed formation.Although the growth rate expansion method has a mathematical problem applying to the multiple bar formation process、 this analysis shows good agreement on the hydraulic experimental results.
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