国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



論文投稿 A Study on the Characteristics of Dynamic Horizontal Subgrade Reaction for Different Types of Ground by Centrifuge Model Experiments

作成年度 2006年度
論文名 A Study on the Characteristics of Dynamic Horizontal Subgrade Reaction for Different Types of Ground by Centrifuge Model Experiments
発表会 The Sixth International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics(第6回地盤工学の物理モデリングに関する国際会議)
発表年月日 2006/08/04 ~ 2006/08/06
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
寒地地盤チーム冨澤 幸一(TOMISAWA Kouichi)
寒地地盤チーム西本 聡(NISHIMOTO Satoshi)
北海道大学大学院三浦 清一(MIURA Seiichi)
In this study、 static horizontal loading and dynamic vibration tests of single pile models were conducted using centrifuge model tests in a 50 G field for sandy soil ground、 as well as for clayey soil ground and volcanic ash ground、 which are widely distributed in Hokkaido、Japan. Accordingly、 basic earthquake-proof evaluation was conducted focusing on the pile ground spring constant. The p- method、 which focuses on relative displacement of piles and ground during earthquakes、 and the eigenvalue analysis method for calculation of the dynamic ground spring constant from the natural period of piles were used as analysis methods. These results showed that the dynamic coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction of piles (Khe 、a main factor in pile foundation aseismic design methods) must be determined by comprehensive evaluation based on earthquake-proofness for each ground type 、 rather than by determining Khe from the relationship with the static coefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction、 Kh (Khe = Kh)、 or from shear elastic waves and other foundation strength constants.
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