国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



論文投稿 Three Dimensional Impact Response Analysis of RC Girder Considering Equivalent Fracture Energy for Concrete Elements

作成年度 2006年度
論文名 Three Dimensional Impact Response Analysis of RC Girder Considering Equivalent Fracture Energy for Concrete Elements
発表会 平成18年度 年次技術研究発表会
誌名(No./号数) 平成18年度 土木学会北海道支部 論文報告集 第63号
発表年月日 2007/02/02 ~ 2007/02/03
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
室蘭工業大学Abdul Qadir Bhatti(Abdul Qadir Bhatti)
室蘭工業大学岸 徳光(KISHI Norimitsu)
寒地構造チーム今野 久志(KONNO Hisashi)
寒地構造チーム岡田 慎哉(OKADA Shin-ya)
This work constitutes an effort directed towards the development of an objectivity algorithm for tensile failure of concrete elements based on the smeared cracking formulation. The algorithm has been implemented into LS-DYNA for hexahedron solid elements and correctly accounts for crack directionality effects. Thus enabling the control of energy dissipation will be associated with each failure mode regardless of mesh refinement.[*]The advantage of the proposed technique is that mesh size sensitivity on failure is removed leading to results、 which converge to a unique solution、 as the mesh is refined. The proposed algorithm has been validated by a full-scale prototype test using different cases of mesh refinement.[*]Here、 in order to establish a modification method for material properties of concrete so as to rationally analyze using coarse mesh、 an equivalent fracture energy concept for concrete element is proposed and the applicability was conducted comparing numerical analysis results and experimental results.
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