国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 Characteristics of meteorological condition and an example of countermeasures for road avalanches in recent years in Hokkaido、 Japan

作成年度 2007年度
論文名 Characteristics of meteorological condition and an example of countermeasures for road avalanches in recent years in Hokkaido、 Japan
論文名(和訳) 近年の北海道における法面雪崩の発生気象条件とその対策例
発表会 ISCORD2007 The 8th International Symposium on Cold Region Development(第8回 寒地開発に関する国際シンポジウム)
誌名(No./号数) Intermational Association for Cold Region Development Studies(IACORDS)
発表年月日 2007/09/25 ~ 2007/09/27
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
雪氷チーム松下 拓樹(MATSUSHITA Hiroki)
雪氷チーム松澤 勝(MATSUZAWA Masaru)
雪氷チーム伊東 靖彦(ITO Yasuhiko)
雪氷チーム加治屋 安彦(KAJIYA Yasuhiko)
A recent problem in Hokkaido is avalanches with “slip-through” phenomena、 in which snow slides through avalanche fences and onto roads. This paper analyzes the meteorological conditions that promote the occurrence of such avalanches. Additionally、 we propose a fence designed to prevent such avalanches、 and we show the results of a field test of its effectiveness.[*] The analysis shows that slip-through phenomena tend to occur when the snow is dry、 the temperature is -4 °C or below、 and the snowfall intensity is high. This suggests that snow tends to slip through an avalanche fence when it has been accumulated in a short period of time and it lacks shear strength to support the load.[*] The field observations confirm that snow accumulates upslope of the steel-mesh avalanche fence until it reaches the top of the fence. Such accumulation allows the fence to act as a snow wall. The steel mesh prevents snow from slipping through、 which hinders shear-strength weakening of the trapped snow. Installation of such mesh on conventional avalanche fences is expected to be effective in preventing avalanches with slip-through phenomena.
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