国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 Weight impact test for rockfall protection wall jointed to steel-pile foundation with H-section steel

作成年度 2010年度
論文名 Weight impact test for rockfall protection wall jointed to steel-pile foundation with H-section steel
発表会 Third Euro Mediterranean Symposium on Advances in Geomaterials and Structures
発表年月日 2010/05/10 ~ 2010/05/12
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
寒地構造チーム山口 悟(YAMAGUCHI Satoru)
寒地構造チーム西 弘明(NISHI Hiroaki)
寒地構造チーム今野 久志(KONNO Hisashi)
室蘭工業大学岸 徳光(KISHI Norimitsu)
㈱構研エンジニアリング牛渡 裕二(USHIWATARI Yuji)
In this paper、 a rockfall protection wall method is newly proposed in which the wall is jointed to steel-pile foundation with H-section steel embedded in the wall and requiring no excavation of the slope. The wall is attached to a two-layered absorbing system to decrease the impact force due to falling rocks. The absorbing system is composed of Expanded Poly-Styrol (EPS) block and reinforced concrete (RC) panel. The applicability of the system is confirmed by conducting full-scale impact test. From this experiment、 the following results are obtained: 1) the absorbing system can effectively absorb the impact force; and 2) the protection wall without the absorbing system is severely damaged while subjected to impact input energy of Ek = 62.5 kJ、 but the wall with the system has no crack due to impact energy twice as much of above input energy.
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