国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 非定常流れにおけるduneの消失過程に関する水理実験

作成年度 2009年度
論文名 非定常流れにおけるduneの消失過程に関する水理実験
発表会 第54回水工学講演会
誌名(No./号数) 土木学会水工学論文集第54巻
発表年月日 2010/03/03
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
寒地河川チーム平井 康幸(HIRAI Yasuyuki)
北海道大学川村 里美(KAWAMURA Satomi)
北海道大学清水 康行(SHIMIZU Yasuyuki)
北海道大学木村 一郎(KIMURA Ichiro)
In this study、 a hydraulic experiment of mobile bed was conducted with focus on the process of dune fading and[*]bed resistance fluctuation during a transition state under unsteady flow. The process was observed under two discharge[*]hydrographs of three hundred minutes and sixty minutes. The experiment results revealed that the bed resistance began[*]to decrease in the discharge increasing period. The height of dune decreased as the time of unsteady flow hydrograph.[*]The bed resistance decreased in accordance with the height of dune. Dune completely disappeared in the three hundred[*]minutes hydrograph、 however、 did not disappear completely in the sixty minutes hydrograph. The dune was reformed[*]again in the discharge recession period in sixty minutes case. A bivalency of water depth to the discharge was observed[*]in three hundred minutes case. Flow velocity coefficient in three hundred minutes case much increased than in sixty[*]minutes case. Comparison of the two hydrographs suggested that there was a delay of the riverbed and resistance[*]response in following the discharge curve during the transition process.
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