国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 Effect of Measures Against Icy Roads Using Road Shoulder Grooving

作成年度 2010年度
論文名 Effect of Measures Against Icy Roads Using Road Shoulder Grooving
論文名(和訳) 路肩グルービングによる凍結路面対策
発表会 ISCORD2010(寒地開発に関する国際シンポジウム)
発表年月日 2010/06/01 ~ 2010/06/05
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
寒地道路保全チーム吉井 昭博(YOSHII Akihiro)
寒地道路保全チーム熊谷 政行(KUMAGAI Masayuki)
寒地道路保全チーム安倍 隆二(ABE Ryuji)
In line with the social need to ensure safe and reliable traffic flow、 anti-freeze agents and anti-slip materials are spread to prevent road surface freezing and combat black ice formation on road surfaces in early and late winter in Japan’s cold、 snowy region of Hokkaido. However、 meltwater from accumulated snow on road shoulders of curved sections may hinder traffic safety by flowing onto carriageways and freezing at night.[*]This paper proposes a method of grooving road shoulders in the longitudinal direction as a way to eliminate meltwater from snow that has accumulated on shoulders and prevent the formation of black ice on carriageway surfaces、 and presents the results of a study on the technique’s water-interception effect. Also outlined are the results of investigation to confirm the safety of bicycle operation on shoulder grooving.
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