国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 護岸の吸い出し被災事例調査と被災要因の検討

作成年度 2010年度
論文名 護岸の吸い出し被災事例調査と被災要因の検討
発表会 第35回海洋開発シンポジウム
誌名(No./号数) 海洋開発論文集 Vol.26
発表年月日 2010/06/24 ~ 2010/06/25
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
寒冷沿岸域チーム菅原 吉浩(SUGAWARA Yoshihiro)
寒冷沿岸域チーム山本 泰司(YAMAMOTO Yasuji)
寒冷沿岸域チーム上久保 勝美(KAMIKUBO Katumi)
寒地技術推進室大井 啓司(OOI Keiji)
北海道開発局時田 恵生(TOKITA Akio)
To clarify the subsidence conditions of ground behind seawalls,cases of damage at harbors and fishing ports under the administration of the Hokkaido Regional Development Bureau were examined,and the causes of damage were classified.The results showed that the main factor was the removal of reclaimed sand by suction forces caused by damage in geotextile sheet and joint fillers.It was also found that seawalls tended to be more vulnerable to these suction forces ten years after construction compared with mooring wharfs.Moreover、 paying attention to the damage cases of geotextile sheet on seawalls which had most damage number of cases、 the subsidence damage factor was examined based on cross-sectional configuration or design external force.
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