国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



論文投稿 Airborne electromagnetic and magnetic surveys for long tunnel construction design

作成年度 2011年度
論文名 Airborne electromagnetic and magnetic surveys for long tunnel construction design
論文名(和訳) 長大トンネルの設計施工に向けた空中電磁法と空中磁気法
発表会 Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
誌名(No./号数) Physics and Chemistry of the Earth
発表年月日 2011/07/30
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
防災地質チーム岡崎 健治(OKAZAKI Kenji)
北海道大学茂木 透(MOGI Toru)
京都大学宇津木 充(UTSUGI Mitsuru)
防災地質チーム伊東 佳彦(ITO Yosihiko)
北海道開発局国島 英樹(KUNISHIMA Hideki)
寒地機械技術チーム山崎 貴志(YAMAZAKI Takashi)
北海道開発局高橋 幸継(TAKAHASHI Yukitsugu)
北海道大学橋本 武志(HASHIMOTO Takeshi)
Airborne geophysical surveys enable us to clarify three-dimensional subsurface structures in large and inaccessible areas. Therefore、 they have been used recently to investigate large-scale landslides and volcanoes、 as well as in mineral and hydrocarbon explorations. This paper describes a geological assessment for tunnel design and construction using helicopter-borne geophysical surveys. Airborne electromagnetic surveys using a grounded electric dipole source and magnetic surveys were conducted to delineate resistivity and magnetization structures in deeper parts of tunnel construction sites in the Otoineppu area of Hokkaido、 northern Japan. The survey area is mainly composed of Cretaceous sedimentary rocks、 with serpentinite dykes intruded into the sedimentary rocks. The surveys covered the tunnel site and its surroundings to estimate the distribution of sediment rocks and serpentinite. The resistivity structure of deep sections and the distribution of magnetization anomalies delineated the serpentinite types and their distribution、 which is useful in understanding potential geotechnical issues when excavating a tunnel.
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