国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 Estimation of turbidity profiles with ADCP in an oxbow in tidal compartment

作成年度 2011年度
論文名 Estimation of turbidity profiles with ADCP in an oxbow in tidal compartment
論文名(和訳) 感潮域河跡湖におけるADCPを用いた濁度推定について
発表会 AGU Fall Meeting 2011
発表年月日 2011/12/07 ~ 2011/12/09
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
水環境保全チーム横山 洋(YOKOYAMA Hiroshi)
(株)北水エンジニアリング海老 隆之(EBI Takayuki)
(株)ハイドロシステム開発橘田 隆史(KITSUDA Takashi)
To clarify the mechanism of sediment resuspension、 acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCP) were set on the bottom of the Barato River、 which is the oxbow of the Ishikari River、 Japan. This oxbow is approximately 20km length and 200m width、 which is located in tidal compartment. Velocity and echo intensity had been observed with ADCP from June to October in 2010 on two sites of the oxbow. Acoustic backscatter turbidity (ABT) was estimated from echo intensity data of ADCP. [*]First、 accuracy of ABT was discussed. Reproducibility of turbidity in this study by comparing ABT with observed turbidity was investigated. Error between ABT and observed turbidity had some patterns. Reason of this phenomenon was also investigated.[*]As a next step、 impacts of external factors (e.g. wind velocity and direction、 tide、 inflow、 etc.) to stream and turbidity were discussed to understand mechanism of sediment resuspension. Characteristics of velocity and turbidity distribution were different between two observation sites. Then correlation of velocity、 ABT distribution and external factors were considered.
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