Authors did a movable bed and steady flow experiment at the Chiyoda Experimental Flume、 a large scale flume[*]located in the Chiyoda New Waterway of Tokachi River、 and observed bed wave figure on the local bed materials.[*]In this study、 the steepness of the sand waves observed was first estimated using the Yalin-Karahan method、 and[*]found that the observed was only slightly less than the estimated value. Next、 the normalized bed shear stress and[*]normalized grain shear stress calculated from the observed values were compared、 and were found to have similar[*]tendencies as seen in the results of Kishi and Kuroki based on the hydraulic radius separation method. The bed[*]shear stress was also estimated by calculating grain stress and form drag directly from sand wave forms with[*]reference to the method of Kikkawa and Ishikawa etc.、 and the estimated values were found to be slightly smaller[*]than the observed values. |