国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 遊水地による河川津波の減災対策に関する一提案

作成年度 2013年度
論文名 遊水地による河川津波の減災対策に関する一提案
発表会 2013年度河川技術に関するシンポジウム
誌名(No./号数) 河川技術論文集,第19巻,2013年6月
発表年月日 2013/06/06 ~ 2013/06/07
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
道東支所佐藤 好茂(SATOU yoshishige)
寒地河川チーム阿部 孝章(ABE Takaaki)
北見工業大学吉川 泰弘(YOSHIKAWA yasuhiro)
寒地河川チーム柿沼 孝治(KAKINUMA Takaharu)
寒地河川チーム伊藤 丹(ITO akashi)
When large-scale tsunamis propagate into rivers、 situations such as inundation inside levees due to bank overtopping and/or emergency stoppage of intake at water supply facilities to prevent salinity intrusion can be expected. With a main focus on the topographical conditions of Kushiro Marsh upstream of the Shin Kushiro River to the north of urban Kushiro、 this paper proposes a disaster mitigation measure involving the installation of a retarding basing with a storage capacity of approximately two million cubic meters downstream of the marsh. Numerical analysis was conducted to determine the impact of this measure on a tsunami propagating up the river. It was found that the water level would be reduced by up to 0.74 m for a 3.4-m-high tsunami (approximately 42% of the water level rise) upstream of the urban area compared to a situation with no retarding basin. Results also indicating a reduction in the volume of flooding and the distance of propagation further highlighted the potential for disaster mitigation based the use of local topographical characteristics.
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