国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 Full scale impact tests of PC multi-girder with three-layered absorbing system

作成年度 1995年度
論文名 Full scale impact tests of PC multi-girder with three-layered absorbing system
論文名(和訳) Full scale impact tests of PC multi-girder with three-layered absorbing system
発表会 13th International Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology(SMiRT13)
発表年月日 1995/08/13 ~ 1995/08/18
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
構造研究室佐藤 昌志(SATO Masashi)
旭川開発建設部中野 修(NAKANO Osamu)
室蘭工業大学松岡 健一(MATSUOKA Kenichi)
北海道大学能町 純雄(YOSHIMACHI Sumio)
室蘭工業大学岸 徳光(KISHI Norimitsu)
The dynamic behavior of a Presstressed Concrete(PC) multi-girder with a three-layered absorbing system under impact loading was experimentally studied.To have a comparative study on the perfor-mance of the three-layered absorbing system,the experiment using the single layered 90 thick sand cushion was also executed.[*]From this study,the following resurts were obtained:[*]1.Based on the gorder bending moment of impacted girder,it can be concluded that the absorbing capacity of the three-layered absorbing system for the collisional energy was almost 6.7 times that of the single layered sand cushion.[*]2.Since the three-layered absorbing system could effectively absorb and disperse a impact load,it is clear that this type of absorbing system could be applied to protect some kind of unclear power plants from impact loading.
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