To reduce the impact force by rock falling,a sand cushion with 90cm thickness is commonly seton the roof of rock-sheds.The impact forces have usually been evaluated by a conventional design formula based on the Hertzs contact theory,However,according to analytical results abtained by using one-dimensional and/or axi-symmetrical wave theory,the transmitted impact force onto a rigid base is double of the input impact force.In this paper,to rationally evaluate the real impact force caused by rock falling ,large scale field tests on weight falling onto a sand cushion were performed,Heavy weights of 2tf and 3tf estimated by meas uring the weight acceleration at the impact and the transmitted impact stress onto the rigid base through a sand cushion According to the results obtained from these experi-ments,it was made clear that:1)the maximum transmitted impact force is about twice the maximum weight impact force,and 2)the maximum transmitted impact force can be estimated using the conven-tional formula assuming Lame’s constant λ=1000tf/㎡ |