国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 Cyclic Loading Tests on the Shear Reinforcement of Wall-type piers

作成年度 1997年度
論文名 Cyclic Loading Tests on the Shear Reinforcement of Wall-type piers
論文名(和訳) Cyclic Loading Tests on the Shear Reinforcement of Wall-type piers
発表会 Proceedings of the Sixth East Asis-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction
発表年月日 1998/01/14 ~ 1998/01/16
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
構造研究室谷本 俊充(TANIMOTO Toshimitsu)
地質研究室岩渕 武(IWABUCHI Takeshi)
地質研究室橋本 博之(HASHIMOTO Hiroyuki)
(財)北海道開発技術センター吉田 紘一(YOSHIDA Kouichi)
構造研究室二宮 嘉朗(NINOMIYA Yoshio)
In Japan,reinforced concrete piers of highway bridges have been strengthened with steel Plates bound around piers to resist earthquakes.To improve the earthquake resistance of piers,the method of attaching steel plates without a genearlly used bond,but with through-bolts,was considered.[*]In this paper,cyclic loading tests on piers strengthened or not strengthened were made to investigate the effects of strengthing the piers.The bridge pier models were wall type and 1/3 to 1/5 as large as a real bridge pier.The steel plates around pier models were band-shaped and were attached horizontally and vartically.The effective-ness of each method on earthquake resistance was checked.
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