国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 河床地形の違いによる土砂交換厚に関する現地調査

作成年度 2013年度
論文名 河床地形の違いによる土砂交換厚に関する現地調査
発表会 土木学会 水工学講演会
誌名(No./号数) 水工学論文集
発表年月日 2014/03/04 ~ 2014/03/06
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
水環境保全チーム矢野 雅昭(YANO Masaaki)
水環境保全チーム渡邉 和好(WATANABE Kazuyoshi)
水環境保全チーム矢部 浩規(YABE Hiroki)
北見工業大学渡邊 康玄(WATANABE Yasuharu)
For the purpose of understanding the thickness of riverbed material exchange at multiple places with different bed topography, we conducted cross-section surveys, gravel size surveys and buried markers surveys in the Toyohira River before and after snowmelt flooding. The surveys showed that the thicknesses of the bed material that is exchanged are more diverse around gravel bars than at narrowed sections of the river, and that the thicknesses increase at places with high flow rate and decrease at the middle and upper areas of each gravel bar front. At the narrowed river sections and at the gravel bars that were exposed to high flow rate where a thick layer of bed material was exchanged, scouring at the time of peak flood and deposition at the time of floodwater recession were considered to be key factors of bed material exchange. Deep scouring due to the presence of dune also affects bed material exchange. At places around the gravel bar front where the thickness of the exchanged bed material was successfully obtained, the thickness is likely to have been affected mainly by deep scouring during the time of peak flood and by deposition during time of floodwater recession
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