国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 Development of a warning information system of earthquake

作成年度 1999年度
論文名 Development of a warning information system of earthquake
論文名(和訳) Development of a warning information system of earthquake
発表会 世界地震工学会
発表年月日 2000/01/30 ~ 2000/02/02
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
専修大学北海道短期大学金子 孝吉(KANEKO Koukichi)
構造研究室逢坂 秀俊(OUSAKA Hidetoshi)
構造研究室池田 憲二(IKEDA Kenzi)
構造研究室佐藤 京(SATOH Takashi)
Recognizing the importance of an information network at the time of an earthquake after the Kushiro Offshore Earthquake in 1993,the Hokkaido Development Bureau has developed an on-line digital infomation seismograph,and established the Warning Information System of Earthquake(WISE).The importance of earthquake damage informationnetworks has also been recognized nationwide since the Great Hanshin Earthquake in January 1995.[*]In establishing WISE,emphasis was placed on understanding damage and securing a data communicationnetwork,based on the lessons learned from three major earthquakes in Hokkaido.This system is for supporting the disaster-prevention system at the start of an earthquake.Existing and new strong motion seismographs installed on bridges,river dam bodies,in damagement offices and other places are connected on-line to obtain more accurate information more promptly.
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