国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 Laboratory research on some properties of pervious concrete and its Applicability to control stormwater run-off

作成年度 2000年度
論文名 Laboratory research on some properties of pervious concrete and its Applicability to control stormwater run-off
論文名(和訳) Laboratory research on some properties of pervious concrete and its Applicability to control stormwater run-off
発表会 コンクリート工学年次大会2000
発表年月日 2000/06/21 ~ 2000/06/23
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
材料研究室熊谷 守晃(KUMAGAI Moriaki)
材料研究室ズワギ・アブドゥアラゼク(ZOUAGHI Abderrazak)
“No-fines” precious concrete consisting mainly of coarse aggregate ,cement, and water is becoming increasingly popular due to its use as Environmentally Friendly material.[*]Although it is suitable for various environmental applications the influence of mixture proportion on some properties of this previous concrete is not widely investigated. hence, the present study was carried out to investigate the effects of cement content, water-cement ratio, unit weight and void content on the strenght, modulus of elasticity and percolation properties of “No-fines” previous concrete. Three different coarse aggregates 5~10mm,10~15mm and 5~20mm, ordinary portland cement and ordinary mixing techniques and equipment were used to produce “no-fines” previous concrete. Moreover, the applicability of stormwater run-off control by “no-fines” previous concrete was examined. Main findings are:[*]a)Strengths of previous concrete depend not only on its proportions but also on the curing condition.[*]b)For any cement content, there is a very narrow optimum range of water-cement ratio that leads to maximum strength.[*]c)Secant modulus of elasticity can be rapidly estimated using ACI 318 developed equation.[*]d)Previous concrete with 15 to 30% voids can practically control the stormwater run-off.
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