国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 Two-Way型DEM-URANSカップリングによる河床変動計算における相互作用項の効果

作成年度 2013年度
論文名 Two-Way型DEM-URANSカップリングによる河床変動計算における相互作用項の効果
発表会 第58回水工学講演会
誌名(No./号数) 土木学会論文集B1(水工学),第58巻
発表年月日 2014/03/04 ~ 2014/03/06
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
北海道大学堀内孝輔(HORIUCHI Kosuke)
北海道大学木村一郎(KIMURA Ichro)
北海道大学大村健祐(OMURA Kensuke)
寒地河川チーム川村 里実(KAWAMURA Satomi)
北海道大学清水 康行(SHIMIZU Yasuyuki)
In this paper, we try to simulate a bed-deformation using numerical computation. For calculation of sand particles, we employed Distinct Element Method called DEM. This scheme calculates the sand particle collisions by mechanical elements, such as springs, dashpots, and sliders. DEM enable us to calculate “multi-particle collision”. For flow calculation, the Unsteady Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes model called URANS model was employed. In this model, we selected 2nd ordered non-liner k- model for turbulence scheme. To coupling between the particle calculation and flow calculation, we apply the two “two-way models”, which incorporate the particle-fluid interaction terms of the drag force with/without the shielding effect. In previous results1) with one-way model, they could not simulate accurate dune characteristics, such as sand wave movement, wave length, and wave height which depend closely on fluid conditions. In order to improve the accuracy, we developed a new scheme using two-way model. We conduct a numerical computation under existing hydraulic experimental conditions, and evaluate the advantages of two-way modeling on the bed-formations.
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