国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 軟岩河床における魚類生息場に関する調査と分析

作成年度 2014年度
論文名 軟岩河床における魚類生息場に関する調査と分析
発表会 2014年度河川技術に関するシンポジウム
誌名(No./号数) 河川技術論文集第20巻
発表年月日 2014/06/05 ~ 2014/06/06
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
寒地河川チーム井上 卓也(INOUE Takuya)
水環境保全チーム矢野 雅昭(YANO Masaaki)
(株)開発工営社濱木 道大(HAMAKI Michihiro )
(株)開発工営社高橋 直志(TAKAHASHI Naoshi)
北海道開発局米元 光明(YONEMOTO Mitsuaki)
一般財団法人 北海道河川財団旭 一岳(ASAHI Kazutake)
寒地河川チーム伊藤 丹(ITO Akashi)
In the vicinity of Asahikawa City of the Ishikari River, the zone of exposed bedrock has been increased due to the degradation of alluvium. We surveyed the fall habitat of tribolodon sachalinensis and stone loach (Barbatula barbatula) in both bedrock and alluvial beds. Based on survey results, we made the SI(Suitability Index) concerning with flow depth, velocity and substrate, and compared the WUA(Weighted Usable Area) before and after the bedrock is exposed. The planar distribution of water depth and flow velocity required for the evaluation of the WUA was calculated by 2D numerical simulations. The analysis results showed that the WUA of tribolodon sachalinensis has been reduced 66%, and the WUA of stone loach has been reduced 81% by bedrock exposing. The analysis results also suggested that the change in water depth and flow velocity due to the narrow inner channel formed by bedrock incision has a great influence on the WUA.
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