国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 河川津波による漂流氷板の閉塞現象に関する水理実験

作成年度 2013年度
論文名 河川津波による漂流氷板の閉塞現象に関する水理実験
発表会 第58回水工学講演会
発表年月日 2014/03/04 ~ 2014/03/06
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
道東支所佐藤 好茂(SATOU yoshishige)
寒地河川チーム阿部 孝章(ABE Takaaki)
北見工業大学吉川 泰弘(YOSHIKAWA yasuhiro)
寒地河川チーム伊藤 丹(ITO akashi)
In the event of tsunami during winter、 damage can be incurred by tsunami intrusion into rivers such as collision between ice floes and river facilities、 ice-jamming caused by deposited ice floes and bank overtopping of ice floes and consequent house damage in residential areas. The objective of this study is to clarify the ice floe behaviors during tsunami and to understand the mechanism which causes river ice-jamming. As the result、 it was confirmed that ice-jamming occurred during the time of tsunami undertow. It was also revealed that ice floes were transported at the speed twice higher than in normal cases immediately downstream the ice-jamming point. Analysis by the authors succeeded in establishing a hydraulic experimental model to reproduce tsunami induced ice-jamming in rivers.
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