国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 橋脚周辺の軟岩侵食対策の効果検証に関する水理模型実験による検討

作成年度 2017年度
論文名 橋脚周辺の軟岩侵食対策の効果検証に関する水理模型実験による検討
発表会 河川技術に関するシンポジウム
誌名(No./号数) 河川技術論文集 第23巻
発表年月日 2017/06/15 ~ 2017/06/16
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
水工リサーチ加藤 一夫(KATO Kazuo)
旭川河川事務所柿沼 孝治(KAKINUMA Kouji)
旭川河川事務所山口 昌志(YAMAGUCHI Masashi)
寒地河川チーム井上 卓也(INOUE Takuya)
北海道河川財団清家 拓哉(SEIKE Takuya)
水工リサーチサムナー 圭希(SUMNER Tamaki)
In many rivers throughout the country, sediment has been flashed away due to proceed of river bed degradation and local scouring on bedrock causes damage the decrease of stability, deformation and rolling at the river structures. It was reported that the lack of safety by erosion around pier foundations in Ishikari river and Tama river. Besides, the bridges were declined by local scouring around pier foundation in Totsuta river and Shikaribetsu river. In this study, we conducted the flume experiments to clarify the local erosion phenomena around the piers and to understand the effect of countermeasures for preventive maintenance. The results suggested that the bedrock erosion mechanism is different from the erosion mechanism of alluvial bed. Furthermore, the results demonstrated a suitable countermeasure method for suppressing bedrock erosion around pier.
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