国立研究開発法人土木研究所 寒地土木研究所



発表 速度協調システム利用時にドライバがシステム介入したときの冬期の道路状況に関する研究

作成年度 2019年度
論文名 速度協調システム利用時にドライバがシステム介入したときの冬期の道路状況に関する研究
誌名(No./号数) 自動車技術会論文集 Vol.50, No.4
発表年月日 2019/07/01
所属研究室/機関名 著者名(英名)
北海道大学加藤 佑基(KATO Yuki)
北海道大学萩原  亨(HAGIWARA Toru)
(株)デンソー岡田  稔(OKADA Minoru)
(株)ドーコン内藤 利幸(NAITO Toshiyuki)
寒地交通チーム宗広 一徳(MUNEHIRO Kazunori)
A field experiment was conducted in winter 2017-2018 using an automated vehicle equipped with adaptive cruise control (ACC), a vehicle for measuring lateral friction on the snowy and icy road surface using the Real-Time Traction Tool-Curve and meteorological measurement vehicle, where various winter road conditions were recorded in Hokkaido, Japan. On an experimental route, we determined where the driver overrode the ACC and decelerated, an action we herein call a "driver interaction". The study used an ACC-equipped vehicle to investigate how the road surface condition and the road configuration affect the likelihood of driver interaction in winter. The experiment route passed through two types of road: a nationally administered road, and a regionally administered road. Driver interactions were found to occur only rarely on the nationally administered road. Based on the results of this study, drivers are expected to be able to use an automated vehicle equipped with an ACC system in winter on roads whose geometric road design is on par with that of nationally administered roads, except under slippery road conditions on curves and slope sections.
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